Wednesday, June 29, 2011

nuntium vicesimum quintum (25th post) Look who showed up

Where there is one dragon, I guess there must be two.  Or is that where there is one daughter with a dragon bookmark, then there must be two?

Anne Bruvold's mini-dragon, slightly modified
I know the first photo isn't very clear but I took it last night after 9:15pm.  Sunset is quite late for us this time of year and it's so wonderful!
My daughter wanted a "fiery dragon" so that's why he's the same color as his "tongue of fire" - Lizbeth size 20, Falling Leaves.
Remember the Quatrain runner?  Nothing!  Nothing, 4 days after I completed the big paper and nothing on it.  Just dragons, angels and a certain sister has requested a dragon too so...

Latin for today: draco linguam flammarum habet. = The dragon has a tongue of flame.  Click to listen:  (Yes, it's not a coincidence about Draco Malfoy's name. The majority of the names in Harry Potter and the spells are either true Latin or very close.  It's so fun to see the kids' faces in class when we learn "ludo" which means "I play" and we realize that the Head of Magical Games and Sports has such a wildly appropriate name.)


  1. Very cool dragon!

    I love the entire Harry Potter series. I suspected that real Latin was used, but I was always too lazy to look anything up. I was enjoying the reading, you know. ; )

  2. I think J.K. Rowling has single-handedly done more for Latin than just about anything else. I've got three little "worksheets" that I give to students- just for fun and they EAT them up. I'll send them if you want to see "what you know". : )

  3. What a great teaching aid Harry Potter turned out to be - on so many levels!

    Beautiful dragon!
    Fox : ))

  4. Beautiful and what lovely colours.

  5. This might sound silly, but how do you make your tassels come out so nice? Whenever I try to make one, they end up turning out way too thin and not nice looking.

  6. Meg, it's not silly at all! I learned to make tassels from a video in which xstchntat shows how her grandmother taught her to make a tassel. It's so slick, here's the link:

  7. I've been meaning to come back and see if you replied. Apparently, I am slow! Thanks for the link.


gratias maximas- it's wonderful to hear what you have to say!