Friday, August 24, 2018

motif from fabric - nuntium ducentesimum nonagesimum sextum

Frivole recently figured out a pattern for a design which was on some fabric.  I have the same fabric (bags from Happy Bluebird) so I had to try it too.

A very pleasing tat- I don't usually care for single-shuttle pieces but I liked this one.  The true bonus was the video that Frivole made.  Not only does she show how to tat this medallion, she also shows several techniques which she uses.  I couldn't get the magic loop to work like she does (maybe tat too tightly?) but the folded-join!  I have puzzled about the folded join for, well, forever!  Written directions just escaped me every time.  Now that I've seen it, they make complete sense.  I've made at least three different things and used it successfully each time!


  1. It’s so clever of Frivole to create the motifs from the fabric. I’ll watch the video after reading this, I usually just read instructions.

  2. Love those motifs and the fabric is so pretty, much more with real tatting on!

  3. Isn’t that just a sweet little motif? Looks so good on a matching bag, too ;)

  4. I do like that motif! Frivole's video is excellent. I'm still working on making the bare spaces the correct size.

  5. Such a pretty motif. Lovely colour as well.

  6. These are fantastic and makes me want to try them thanks so much for the link too!

  7. Lovely motif, I am yet to see her video but I will be trying the pattern when I have


gratias maximas- it's wonderful to hear what you have to say!