Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Not a lot of tatting around here - -nuntium duocentesimum quinquagesimum sextum

Tim of Timtatstoo kindly shared his pattern for shuttles for a 3D printer.  Thanks to him and my very patient and kind Science teacher colleague, we have:

The kids will be so excited to learn (or at least have) a shuttle from our very own printer!

Why no tatting?  Well, it's Latin Week this week and there's been a lot of preparation.  Monday was Roman-themed hat day.  Here's mine.

It's only Tuesday... this is going to be a no tat week, I think.


  1. Oh wow the shuttles look great. Tim is clever designing these shuttles and you are fortunate to be able to have the use of a 3D printer. The hat, well I guess it is supposed to be a part of a Roman Column? Have a lovely Latin week

  2. What fun! I would love to see a 3D printer in action. I don't know of anyone around here who owns one. Of course I would like to see those shuttles in blue! ;-)

  3. Awesome! The kids (and you) are so lucky to see that 3D printer in action, and tie it in with some tatting lessons! Enjoy Latin Week - and then tat next week to relax 😉

  4. How exciting! 3D printed shuttles! I need to find access to one of those printers... it's giving me ideas... :-)

    1. In the U.S., I understand our public libraries have them...I can t wait to see what you do!

  5. Wow, the 3-D printer is going to make shuttles ubiquitous! Love the bright orange. Enjoy Latin week!

  6. Great shuttles and I hope there will be new tatters with the new shuttles!! :)
    Very interesting hat!! :)

  7. Love your Orange 3D printed shuttles and that hat, very iconic.

  8. Oh!!! Que interesante. En 3D solo había visto diseño de juguetes. Muy divertida con el sombrero.Besos.

  9. Oh, how clever to print shuttles!
    Your hat is very pretty!

  10. I love that hat. We had Latin week in high school (too may years ago) It was always fun. We would wear bedsheet togas with street clothes underneath of course, and there was the slave sale. Probably can't do that any more. We thought nothing of it. Just had a good time. I was usually one of the slaves.

    1. Haha- we do have Rent-a-Roman which is a set price thing and great fun. And t-shirt day and Roman clothing day and Speak Only Latin day!

  11. I just posted a video to FB about a bald eagle whose beak was shot off. Someone 3D printed a new beak and she's as good as new! I should tell our folks in my public library 3D printing lab about the shuttles. Maybe I can get a few tatters going as a result. Sorry it's a no-tat week for you.



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