Sunday, September 30, 2018

beaded something - - nuntium trecesimum tertium

I have long admired and wanted to do this little project.  It's a beaded bag which I spotted on Le blog de Frivole.  This isn't originally Frivole's pattern but with permission, she shared her version here.  I wanted to make it but I just couldn't think of what to do with the little bag except to put in a shuttle.  Yes but no.  But finally I have the perfect use!  I had to modify the pattern a bit to make my bag be the perfect size.  And then I couldn't decide on beads and color so I went with black (huge groan) and these wonderful beads I bought years ago when I first tried beads at all.
What could it possibly be used for?  I shall let you guess.

P.S.  Tatting with two old Tatsy shuttles is not my idea of fun but they do hold a lot of beads.  I shall have to get my paws on two Starlits, even though I really love bobbin shuttles.  If only there were Starlit sized with bobbins, I would be so happy.


  1. I’ve made the beaded bag, worth the fiddle! I look forward to the reveal of what it’s for.

  2. Looks like you are off to a wonderful start!! :)
    It looks like a lipstick holder at the moment.

  3. I received a gift in this (rough) shape and it holds a tube of lip balm. Close?

    1. Well, it's for something useful like lip balm. : )

  4. I love making these bags and have made a few made my strawberries pattern that fits coins and some items for tatting😍

  5. I love those little beaded bags! They are a bit fiddly but look so pretty. I was going to say a pen case but now... for your lipstick?


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