Monday, July 20, 2015

MK bracelets -nuntium centesimum undeoctogesimum

Remember these?  This is my "conference" tatting.  The items on the left are an adaptation of Mary Konior's pattern.   (Kersti made a bookmark out of the patter but it's MK's to start.)  I have adapted the end of it to make a complete flower and as I said before, let me know if you want my scribbling stitch counts.  I originally saw this on Margaret's Designer cards.
 Here's the final product after my darling elder daughter did her jewelry magic and I sewed on the beads.  (Stupid, stupid, just tat them in next time.  Much easier.  It took me days to sew these in nicely.)
 This one's my favorite.
 This one I'm wearing.
 Isn't daughter clever with that little bead on the end?
 My attempts at artistic photography.  Haha.


  1. They all came out so exquisite, very nice looking, weather you sewed the bead on or not.

  2. Lovely bracelets! I probably would have threaded the beads before tatting because I'm too lazy to sew them on afterwards. ;-)

    1. I forgot them for the conference! I never dreamed they'd take that long to do!

  3. Lovely bracelets, you said you would use my idea and you have a lovely job, well done, I did add the beads as I went,

  4. Ooh, I love those bracelets. The beads really enhance them, worth the effort of sewing them on.

  5. Very pretty bracelets! I like them a lot.

  6. Adding beads makes such a difference to the bracelets, but I would not have taken the trouble to sew them on afterwards, well worth the effort on your behalf though. Lovely thread too.

  7. beautiful bracelets. I can't tat myself but my good friend Margaret of margarets designers cards made one of these for me and I love it. I get lots of lovely comments when wearing it. I'm pleased to see her work being appreciated by another tatter and what a beautiful job you have done.

  8. I love them! I have loved that pattern since I first found it in MK's book,


gratias maximas- it's wonderful to hear what you have to say!