Thursday, September 29, 2011

nuntium secundum et quadragesimum (42nd post ) digitabula

Been a while, huh?  Well, that's the school year for me.  I love it. I love school.  But there's not much time for tatting.

Our weather is changing, the leaves are absolutely gorgeous.  The way we get those leaves is by cool nights and glorious days, the huge temperature change is the key to beauty in the leaves.  But it makes for cold hands in the morning so we go for those little $1 gloves from JoAnn's.  But they're so dull.  So I thought I'd jazz them up a bit with some tatting.  My daughter chose the colors and the pattern is from Lyn Morton's Tatting Patterns.  I did the colors wrong but she likes it.
motif #17
It didn't go quickly, I did one repeat short on the second glove so had to cut it off and restart. sigh.

And I've decided that sewing with invisible/clear thread is IMPOSSIBLE!

On the girl's hands. 

Maybe now I'll go back to the Quatrain.  Or grading. Or sleeping?

Latin for today:  digitabula mea sunt pulcherrima = My gloves are very beautiful!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Digital tatting!! Great idea.
    Fox : )

  3. Hallo Michelle,
    es stimmt Deine Handschuhe sind sehr schön.
    Liebe Grüße Cornelila

  4. Love your gloves Michelle! What a great idea. I'd like to find more ways to wear tatting like that. You must have had to sew very loosely to keep some of the stretch on the wrist band, did you not? And you're right, sewing with invisible thread is horrible!

  5. It was tricky but I didn't connect the tatting around and she has small hands. I don't know if it would work for adults.

  6. I love the gloves! I'm more of a mitten person, so maybe snowflakes on the top would work for me. Thanks for the idea!

  7. Great idea Michelle! The gloves look great - perfect for the weather that we know is coming :)

    Looking forward to our tatting day in October - maybe by then we'll have some time to tat :)

  8. What a great idea! Beautiful and practical too.

  9. Dollar gloves and some tatting....sure look like fashionable gloves to me! :)


gratias maximas- it's wonderful to hear what you have to say!