Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Craft show in four days! - nuntium trecentesimum undetricesimum

I don't know why I never noticed this pattern before in Robin Perfetti's Snowflake Variations.  Isn't it lovely?  It's called Traditional Clover.

Oops, 7 "arms".  but it's okay.  It kind of reminds me of a poinsettia.

Sunday's dinner - Moroccan lentil stew with goat cheese and cilantro, made in my pressure cooker (gift from Dad).

We just couldn't give up the carving of pumpkins even though the girls are out of the house.  Guess which one is mine!


  1. Robin's snowflakes are great and your pumpkin is on the left? 🎃

  2. That is a pretty snowflake. They look great hung up against the light. No guessing after failing to guess which was Diane’s pumpkin!

  3. You've done a wonderful job with Robin's pattern! Good luck at your craft show!

    I'm guessing that your pumpkin is the one on the right. I see big smiles because you're able to tat again!

  4. 'There's Jack the peg...' Is there a corresponding song for extra arms 😉😄 I few snowflakes in my stash sneakily grew an extra arm, without being obvious till much later!
    Cute pumpkins 🎃

  5. Beautiful snowflakes, I hope you had a good craft fair

  6. I love how intricate snowflake patterns can be.


gratias maximas- it's wonderful to hear what you have to say!