Monday, October 6, 2014

nuntium centesimum sexagesimum secundum - I'm sorry, Robin Perfetti

Dear Robin,

You don't know me and probably don't want to.  But i feel it's necessary to apologize for what I have done to your pattern- twice.

Seriously, I can tat better than this.  Maybe I should hold off on the CONE of Lizbeth.

So Robin, I hope you will forgive me and this terrible pun to time, I will make this snowflake (First Snowfall)  PERFETTO.


  1. Very unique translations, but they look ok! :)

  2. LOL! At first glance I thought you simply adapted the pattern. The one on the right could be a new version. It's so funny how they both turned out with the one mismatched repeat. Now, if only you could mix and match, you'd have two perfectly good snowflakes. Funny post, thanks for the laugh!

    1. A most gracious response! A re-design, wonder if I could manage a whole one!

  3. Such a pretty pattern that one. I like it a lot. And I've been known to occasionally go for "unintentional re-design" too!

  4. Like Robin I thought you had played with her design, the one on the right is just re-design of the pretty snowflake. I am sure we have all missed a ring here or there or even a mistake has taken on a different look.

  5. My first attempt at nearly any design is destined for recycling. Often the second one follows... Teri Dusenbury advised me to use "crap thread" for the first attempt. And, now I do!
    Serendipity is part of many discoveries! Don't despair. (Also, I've looked at snowflakes, many are asymmetrical.)

  6. LOL! Love the pun :-) Funny post, probably because we've all done it at some point or another. I usually keep mistakes like this, they look pretty good if you cover the boo boo with flowers, findings, etc. I have a vest decorated with mistakes and no-one that sees it knows it.

  7. What a sense of humor! But you gave your version of the pattern, and it looks good!

  8. A me piacciono tutte e due.
    Un abbraccio

  9. Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo
    Un abbraccio

  10. Sometimes when you make a mistake it not so bad and just turns into something else just as nice :)


gratias maximas- it's wonderful to hear what you have to say!