Well, well. Interesting thing about the book. It's going to start out here in Minnesota with the Happy Bluebird then take a trip to Indiana with Diane, then wherever Marie lives. Then either she can send it to Fox in Canada or back to me and then I'll send it to Fox who will send it to England for a visit with Margaret who can send it to Frivole and finally I think it will end up in Poland with the other Tatter/Latin teacher in the world, Asfina! What do you all think? Would that be okay?
motif #13 |
I made a little snowflake with Tatting club. My first ever non-white one. It's a pattern (October 10th) from
Tatting Patty and the Tatting Club is working on it together. The kids are so funny because they think I tat so fast. I don't remember what this thread is but it comes from our generous Diane,
Lace-lovin' Librarian.
Fox and I recently exchanged some thread and I made this with the thread she sent. It's a pretty color although the motif (Vicki Clarke's simple
heart) may be too small for the repeat to show well.
This other one is made with
Marilee Rockley's Gold Crimson. What vibrant colors!
I'm ready to make snowflakes but I've got some roses and leaves to make for my mom for Christmas first.
I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. I am grateful for my wonderful tatting friends and this glorious community who shares this simple craft.
Latin for today: gratias agendum mihi pro amicis est = I must give thanks for my friends!