Friday, August 16, 2013

nuntium centesimum quadragesimum primum (141st post) Quatrain halfway

If you've read this blog for a while, you know that I've been working on and off on a runner made of Frivole's beautiful Quatrain pattern for 2+ years.
Tatted with beautiful La Cossette shuttles.
I've made some headway this summer and recently have done quite a bit.  In fact, I'm over halfway!  (You might wonder why the widget on the right doesn't reflect this.  Well, it's been so long since I made any progress, I've forgotten the formula.  sigh.)
This is where it will eventually be.
The bad news is my tatting has improved since I started.   Of course, the good news is my tatting has improved since I started.  : )
Oh phew, there's a thread I missed!
I wonder if I can live with such an uneven piece when it's complete.

Yeah, probably.

Monday, August 12, 2013

nuntium centesimum quadragesimum (140th post) Wedding picture

When we got married, one of my mom's friends gave us a drawing she'd made.  I thought it was wonderful and have copied the idea numerous times over the years.  I've never shown them because it had the full names of the couple.  This time though, my husband asked for one with just the first names so I think I'm safe to show it.
I've never been there for the gift opening for one of these and I always wonder if the bride/groom like it or think it's ridiculously hokey.  I don't know why it appeals to me but it does.  This particular bride did call my husband (I was in England, dangerously close to Frivole) to find out who'd made it and said she loved it.  Whew.
Lest you think I've left tatting behind, it's not the case.  Here's a little cross which I spied on West Pine Creations and had to try.
motif #20  Lizbeth dark purple and white
What I've really been doing is working on the Quatrain.  I really love the pattern and I love my later work but I'm less thrilled with my earlier work.  Hard to imagine that I've gotten this much better in the last few years but I clearly have!  Maybe a picture tomorrow.